Although the Lugza concept is new to the Language industry, it’s similar to existing online booking systems in the hotel and airline industries, such as or In order to protect our users access to Lugza is only available to trusted agents. To obtain a username and password please email
For Schools:
Research has shown that 20% of classrooms in schools are empty at any given time. The number of available seats varies by month and season and schools face real challenges to promote their available seats in a timely manner. Lugza offers schools the chance to fill these seats and increase their profits.
For Agents:
Lugza completed a six hour case study with 54 agencies hailing from 16 different countries. Participants voluntarily took part with the final result being the birth of Lugza. Lugza provides agents with a safe way to buy discounted seats from quality schools.
Rating System:
Today’s clientele makes their purchasing decisions based heavily on online customer reviews (yesterday’s word of mouth). All of Lugza’s schools are rated by the agents that use them to ensure that students are offered only the highest quality schools.